Hate Incident Reporting

Hate Incident Reporting Process:

What is a Hate Crime? "A crime motivated by bias against race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability." - United States Department of Justice

What is a Hate Incident? "Acts of prejudice that are not crimes and do not involve violence, threats, or property damage." - United States Department of Justice

Have you been targeted (How to Report)?:

Call 911, the Macomb Police, or contact OHF-Macomb at OHFMacomb@gmail.com to share with us your experience. We will take you seriously. You will be treated with compassion and confidentiality as we guide you through understanding your next step choices.

If your experience involves housing or employment, you may also choose to report your experience to the City of Macomb Fair Equal Opportunity and Fair Housing Commission. For more information about their reporting process, please go here.

Why Report?

We want to help you, the targeted individual in our community. Even if you choose not to report it to the police, we are here to help. By reporting your experience to OHF-Macomb we can recognize the areas of our community that need more advocacy.

No incident is too small to report. By sharing your experience with us, you will help us bring awareness to specific incidents happening in our community. We will also report your experience to the Southern Poverty Law Center https://www.splcenter.org/reporthate in order to increase vital national hate crime data. The reporting process through the Southern Poverty Law Center is confidential, and will assist our community in understanding patterns of such experiences in our community.